MacUser UK digs iModeller 3D
Verdict: A welcome addition to the 3D arsenal that should save a lot of people a lot of time.
A short excerpt of Tim Danaher's review in the October Edition of MacUser UK:
- "The meshes generated by this version seem much cleaner than in previous versions."
- "It goes one stage further by automatically UV mapping the image information onto your mesh as a texture. If you've ever tried to manually UV map organic objects from scratch, you'll appreciate what a feat this is. The result is a pretty convincing rendition of your object, too. The meshes themselves may not be perfect, but the applied UV texture maps more than make up for any deficiencies in that respect."
- "With its new pricing of €499 (was €599) iModeller Pro 2.5 is a welcome addition to the 3D arsenal, and should save a lot of people a lot of time."
Read the complete review here